Sunday, December 8, 2013

Memories all alone in the moon light

I used to be scared of the garbage man
and fireworks
but one night my mom told me to stay inside because fireworks where going to be shot off
she sent me to bed
I crawled out my window and on to the roof to watch them

I  remember crying when my two best friends stopped talking to me at school
That was the day I got in my first fight
I got hit in the back with a bike chain so I punched them in them in the gut

Monday, December 2, 2013

How to be an outcast at lone peak

I stopped curling my hair everyday
I never seem to shop at the right stores
I cry in the hallways
and the bathroom
and my classrooms
My car is invisible
I wear long sleeves everyday to hide my scars
I can't draw
my handwriting is about as cute as a 2nd grade boy
I don't fit in here
or anywhere really
Friday night consists of watching tv shows and eating mac and cheese
and dating is a foreign concept
so sorry
but I'm not changing

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ikea, Boys, and Green Chili Enchiladas

When things go wrong it's not even a surprise to me's more of a 
"Ha!,told you can't do anything."
What ever.
I can make some sick enchiladas so suck it world

but when I get something right I have to take a step back and make sure its real life
Why would I get something right?
I screw up everything I touch
When I got asked to prom last year I almost died of shock
when I had fun at prom I felt like maybe I was actually like-able
but prom's not every night
and I spent 16 hours trying to put together a dresser from Ikea and I just gave up
well kinda
I told my dad I had women problems and I couldn't finish it and he bought it because I'm pretty sure he didn't want to press the issue
He does that a lot 
and I lie a lot so that makes us even

maybe I should try reading the instructions instead of throwing them across the room
life's more fun when you don't know hats coming next
but if I read the instructions I might get things right.....